Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Lyrics (Traditional chant) Two little men in a flying saucerFlew round the world one day.They looked to the left and right a bit,And couldn’t bear the sight of it,And then they flew away. Motions Line 1 – Hands together, palms ...
When I was a Shoemaker
Lyrics (Folk song) When I was a shoemaker,And a shoemaker was I,A this a way and a this a way,And a this a way went I. …baker… …doctor… …dentist… …teacher… …store clerk… …firefighter… See also Subject: jobs / community helpers ...
Right Hand Left Hand
Lyrics (Traditional chant) This is my right hand, I’ll raise it up high (right hand over head)This is my left hand, I’ll touch the sky (left hand up)Right hand (show right palm)Left hand (show left palm)Roll them around (roll hands ...
Little Bird
Lyrics (Traditional chant) Once I saw a little bird go hop, hop, hopSo I cried, “Little bird, will you stop, stop, stop!”I was going to the window to say, “How do you do?”But he shook his little tail and away ...
Here is the Beehive
Lyrics (Traditional chant) Here is the beehive, where are the bees?Hidden away where nobody seesWatch and you’ll see them come out of the hive,One, two, three, four, fiveBzzzzzzz Motions Here is the beehive, where are the bees? – Make a ...
The Raindrops Song
Lyrics (Laura Ormiston Chant, publ. 1905) Hark! How the little raindropsPitter patter down the panePitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter goes the rain. (Student:)Oh you tiresome little rain drops,How I wish you’d go away!You will keep me in the school ...
Thumbkin Says “I’ll Dance”
Lyrics (Folk song) 1. Thumbkin says, “I’ll dance.”Thumbkin says, “I’ll sing.”Dance and sing you merry little men,Thumbkin says, “I’ll dance and sing.” 2. Pointer says, “I’ll dance!”…2. Tall man says, “I’ll dance!”…4. Ring man says, “I’ll dance!”…5. Pinkie says, “I’ll ...
Five Brown Eggs
Lyrics (Folk song) Five brown eggs in a nest of hay…One yellow chick popped out to play. Four brown eggs in a nest of hay…One yellow chick cheep-cheeped good day. Three brown eggs in a nest of hay…Crack went another ...
There Was a Little Turtle
Lyrics (Traditional chant) There was a little turtle,He lived in a box.He swam in a puddle,He climbed on the rocks. He snapped at a mosquito,He snapped at a flea.He snapped at a minnow,He snapped at me. He caught the mosquito,He ...