Each lesson is 30 minutes long.
Lesson 1
- Hello Song (more welcome songs)
- School Song (orAmerican patriotic song) patsch steady beat while singing
- Rules/Announcements (Seefirst day of school)
- Friendship Song/ Song with Positive Message
- Bluebird (other circle games)
- Introduce song, students pat knees on steady beat. Use terminology “singing voice” as they learn the song.
- Goodbye song as students line up (same tune as Hello Song)
Lesson 2
- Opening Song
- Hickety Pickety Bumblebee(or other Name Song or Song to encourage solo singing)
- Students start to take turns singing their names.
- Review a few rules.
- Who Stole the Cookie (other chants)
- Tell students they are using their “speaking voice.”
- Have some students take turns.
- Bluebird
- Review song, add circle game.
- Goodbye Song
More lessons below.
- Kindergarten Voices / Steady Beat Lessons ( PDF)