folk song / traditional
Lucy Locket
Lyrics (Folk song) Lucy Locket lost her pocket,Kitty Fisher found it,Not a penny was there in it,Just a ribbon ’round it. Loud / Soft Game Send one student out of the room. Teacher hides a “pocketbook” in the room (not too ...
Wee Willie Winkie
Version 1 Lyrics (Folk song) Wee Willie Winkie, run through the town,Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.Rapping at the windows, Crying through the locks,“Are the children in their beds? It is eighth o’clock!” Game All students stand in a circle, ...
Dreidel Song
Lyrics (Melody by Mike Gebart & S.E. Goldfarb, Lyrics by Samuel S. Grossman) 1. I had a little dreidel, I made it out of clayAnd when it’s dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play.Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made ...
This Old Man
Lyrics (Folk song) This old man, he played one,He played “knick knack” on my drum,With a “knick knack” paddy whack, give the dog a bone.This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played two,He played “knick knack” on ...
Ally Bally
Lyrics (Scottish folk song) Ally Bally, Ally Bally Bee,Sittin’ on your daddy’s knee,Greetin’* for a wee pennyTo buy some Coulter’s candy. *greeting = crying (source) See also Country: Scotland Subject: family Harmony: chords I IV V Melody: tonic triad / ...
Way Down South
Lyrics (Traditional chant) Way down South where bananas grow,Grasshopper stepped on an elephant’s toe.Elephant cried with tears in his eyes,“Pick on somebody your own size!” See also Melody: E,G,A Meter: 4 Rhythm: (see below) Timbre: chants or purchase here (printables ...
Oy Chanukah oy Chanukah (Oh Hanukkah)
Lyrics – Transliteration (Jewish folk song, Yiddish) Oy Chanukah oy ChanukahA yontif a sheyner,A lustiker a freylekherNisht do nokh azoynerAle nakht mit dreydlech shpiln mir,Frishe heyse latkes, esn on a shir. Geshvinder, tsindt kinderDi Chanukah likhtlech on,Zogt “Al Hanisim”, loybt ...
Engine Engine Number Nine
Version 1 – Chant Lyrics (Traditional chant) Engine, engine number nineGoing down Chicago lineSee it sparkle, see it shineEngine, engine number nine Lyrics (Folk song) Engine, engine number nine,Going down Chicago line,If she’s polished, won’t she shine?Engine, engine number nine,All ...
Shake Them ‘Simmons Down
Info A ‘simmon is short for “persimmon.” Lyrics (Folk song) Circle left, do oh, do oh,Circle left, do oh, do oh,Circle left, do oh, do oh,Shake them ‘simmons down Other versions: Circle right… Swing your partner… Swing your corner… Promenade ...
Hop Old Squirrel
Lyrics (Folk song) 1. Hop old squirrel, eidledum, eidledum… 2. Jump old squirrel… 3. Run old squirrel… 4. Hide old squirrel… Game Formation: Students sit on the floor in a circle. Verse 1 – One student is the “squirrel” (“It”) ...