(Traditional chant)
Don’t give me no pop, no pop
Don’t give me no tea, no tea
Just give me that milk,
Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo
Wisconsin milk,
Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo
CALL: Give me a big M
RESPONSE: (‘Mmmm’)
CALL: Give me a little M
RESPONSE: (‘m’) Refrain
C: Give me a big I (‘Iiiii’)
R: Give me a little I (‘i’) Refrain
C: Give me a big L (‘Lllll’)
R: Give me a little L (‘l’) Refrain
C: Give me a big K (‘Kkkkk’)
R: Give me a little K (‘k’) Refrain
C: Give me a fat milk (‘Chocolate’)
R: Give me a skinny milk (‘skim’) Refrain
Big Letters (M, I, L, K) – make letter with arms
Little Letters (M, I, L, K) – sign language
Pop – pound fist into hand,
Tea – make a T with hands
Moo moo moo moo – milk cow
See also
- Country: Midwestern States (US)
- Subject: food
- Form: call & response
- Timbre: chants
- PDF of chant