4th grade


I use the term: “bubbles” to describe when students use personal space. We pretend to turn on our bubbles around our bodies by snapping above our heads. When I play music or sing, students may move around the room with ...

Staff Manipulatives

I use a couple of different manipulatives for staff notation. In 2nd grade, we begin using 3 lines. We practice putting round felt notes (see example below) on lines and spaces. We get to know which line is 1 and ...

Xylophone Visual Aids

I use these a TON for 2nd through 5th grade when we play xylophones. They can be cut out separately, laminated with magnets on the back so I can stick them to the board. You can also print them out ...

Winter Sing Along

The last day before winter break is a whole-school assembly where each grade level sings a song – and everyone else can sing along. The 4th and 5th grade Chorus stands up front, sings 2 songs and then helps to ...

Melody patterns

These patterns can be used for warm-ups with recorders or practice with xylophones or other pitched instruments. The students can use these patterns to write their own pieces of music (see below or another one here). Visuals (See downloads at bottom ...

Dotted Quarter Note & Eighth Note Pattern / Dotted Crotchet & Quaver

Achshav Ala presi komisi d’a botri Ama Lama America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) America the Beautiful Bigi kaiman Carolina Dancer in the Moonlight Early to Bed El Noi de la Mare Farfallina bella e bianca Go Down Emmanuel Road ...

Why use recorders?

Reasons to Use Recorders* A melody instrument – with the ability to sustain tones. Many of the other Orff instruments don’t hold those half and whole notes. Helpful for those students who can’t match pitch or are uncoordinated with mallets. ...

How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck

Lyrics (Traditional chant / Tongue twister) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? See also Subjects: tongue twisters / woodchucks Meter: 4 Rhythm: Timbre: chants or purchase here (printables only) Handout PDF of chant + Lesson ...

Ama Lama

Lyrics (Folk song) Ama lama cooma lama cooma lama veestay.Ama lama cooma lama cooma lama veestay.Oh no no, no no no veestay.Eenie meenie gipsa leenie ooh ah ooh ah me leenie,Atchy patchy cooma latchy I mean you! See also Subject: silly ...

My Paddle’s Keen and Bright

Lyrics (Margaret Embers McGee, 1918) My paddle’s keen and bright,Flashing with silver,Follow the wild goose flight,Dip dip and swing See also Subject: rowing Harmony: partner songs with Land of the Silver Birch  / Orff arrangements / chords i & V Meter: 4 Rhythm: syncopation ...
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