(American folk song)
Oh brother, let’s go round the wall.
Don’t let me linger, don’t let me fall.
Oh sister, let’s go round the wall.
Don’t let me linger, don’t let me fall.
- Students can play with tops while singing.
- Students can lie on the floor and pedal legs in the air.
- Teacher can sing, “Oh [name of student], let’s go round the wall” to invite them to join.
See also
- Subjects: movement / family
- Harmony: chords I & IV
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: ties / syncopation
- Scale: tritonic
- Tones: dsl
- Source: Music for Living Through the Day, Book One, Silver Burdett, 1956
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody