Singable English Translation
(Romanian folk song)
Who now will call the star in,
Its beauty beaming and gleaming,
With rays all shining and resplendent,
By the Christ ordained at His birth
As a sun to shine on earth?
(translation by Feliciu Vexler, 1922)
Lyrics - Romanian
Cine primeşte steaua frumoasă şi luminoasă,
Cu colţuri multe şi mărunte
De la naşterea lui Hristos
Ca un soare luminos ?
English Translation - The Star
Who wants to welcome the beautiful and lightful star,
With numerous small points,
From the birth of Christ,
Like a lightful sun?
See also
- Country: Romania
- Subject: Christmas
- Harmony: chords I, II, V
- Meter: 3 / changing meter
- Rhythm:
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: drmslt
- Source: Christmas and New Year Songs, Florence Hudson Botsford, 1922
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody