(African American folk song)
Stooping on the window, Wind the ball,
Stooping on the window, Wind the ball,
Stooping on the window, Wind the ball
Let’s wind the ball again and again,
Let’s wind the ball again and again
Formation: Students stand in a line with a Leader at one end and one student, the “Ball” at the other end. Two students form an arch with their hands.
The Leader leads the line of students under the arch while singing the Call and students singing the Response.(Students can hold hands or clap to the song.) The Leader leads the line of students to encircle the “Ball,” winding around and around. Once all students are wound around the “Ball,” the Leader starts to unwind the students until they are once again in a line.
Recorder Notes D, E, G, A, B, D'

See also
- Culture: African American
- Subject: arch games
- Form: call & response
- Harmony: chords I & IV
- Melody: D,E,G,A,B,D’
- Meter: 4
- Scale: pentatonic
- Tones: drmsl
- Source: 150 American Folk Songs to sing read and play, Peter Erdei, 1974
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody

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