(Melody by John Selwyn, 1881, Lyrics by Mrs. Chas. Barnard)
1. Long had their watch been and dreary,
Wise men who looked for the dawn;
Prophet and King had grown weary,
Into death’s mystery gone.
Ended the long night of waiting,
See the morn promised appears;
Glory their wearied eyes sating,
Lo! the bright dream of their years!
Yonder is blazing the Day-Star,
Promised from ages untold!
Follow it, aged Balthazar,
Melchoir, and Gaspard the bold.
2. Mountain and desert they traverse,
City and temple they see,
Nor yet the Star of their guidance
Pauses o’er upland or lea.
Crowded the inn and the dwelling,
A Child in a manger is born;
Angels the shepherds are telling,
Dawning the first Christmas morn.
Low bows the swarthy Balthazar,
Myrrh is his gift to the King;
Frankincense bears the fair Gaspard,
Golden gifts Melchoir doth bring.
See also
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody