Lyrics - Danish
(BS Ingemann, 1850)
Dejlig er jorden,
prægtig er Guds himmel,
skøn er sjælenes pilgrimsgang!
Gennem de fagre
riger på jorden
gå vi til paradis med sang!
Tider skal komme,
tider skal henrulle,
slægt skal følge slægters gang.
Aldrig forstummer
tonen fra himlen
i sjælens glade pilgrimssang.
Englene sang den
først for markens hyrder,
skønt fra sjæl til sjæl det lød:
Fred over jorden!
Menneske, fryd dig,
os er en evig frelser fød!
English Translation – Lovely is the earth
Lovely is the earth,
magnificent is the heaven of God,
discretion is the pilgrimage of souls!
Through the beautiful
realms on earth
we go to paradise with song!
Times must come,
times must roll,
genus must follow the course of kin.
Never mute
the tone of the sky
in the happy pilgrim song of the soul.
The angels sang it
first for the field shepherds,
though from soul to soul it sounded:
Peace on earth!
Man, rejoice,
we are an eternal savior born!
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody