(Folk song)
1. Glad Christmas bells, your music tells
The sweet and pleasant story,
How came to earth in a lowly birth,
The Lord of life and glory.
2. No palace hall its ceiling tall
His kingly head spread over,
There only stood a stable rude
The heavenly Babe to cover.
3. No raiment gay, as there He lay,
Adorned the infant Stranger;
Poor, humble Child of mother mild,
She laid Him in a manger.
4. But from afar, a splendid star
The wise men westward turning;
The livelong night saw pure and bright,
Above His birth place burning.
See also
- Subject: Christmas / bells
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V, vi
- Meter: 3
- Scale: major
- Source: Franklin Square Song Collection: Two Hundred Favorite Songs and Hymns for Schools and Homes, Nursery and Fireside · Issue 3,1885
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody