(M.W. Balfe)
By Killarney’s lakes and fells,
Emerald Isles and winding bays,
Mountain paths and woodland dells,
Mem’ry ever fondly strays.
Bounteous nature loves all lands;
Beauty wanders everywhere,
Footprints leaves on many strands,
But her home is surely there!
Angels fold their wings and rest
In that Eden of the west,
Beauty’s home, Killarney,
Ever fair Killarney.
Innisfallen’s ruined shrine
May suggest a passing sigh,
But man’s faith can ne’er decline
Such God’s wonders floating by;
Castle Lough and Glenna Bay,
Mountains Tore, and Eagle’s Nest;
Still at Mucross you must pray,
Though the monks are now at rest.
Angels wonder not that man
There would fain prolong life’s span,
Beauty’s home, Killarney,
Ever fair Killarney.
See also
- Country: Ireland
- Subject: flowers
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: major
- Source: Book of a Thousand Songs, Albert Ernest Wier, 1918
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody