Jeg Er Så Glad Hver Julekveld

Lyrics - Norwegian

(Melody by Peter Knudsen, Lyrics by Marie Wexelsen, 1859)

1. Jeg er så glad hver julekveld,
for da ble Jesus født;
da lyste stjernen som en sol,
og engler sang så søtt.

2. Det lille barn i Betlehem,
han var en konge stor
som kom fra himlens høye slott
ned til vår arme jord.

3. Nu bor han høyt i himmelrik,
han er Guds egen sønn,
men husker alltid på de små
og hører deres bønn.

English Translation – I’m so happy every Christmas Eve

1. I’m so happy every Christmas Eve,
for then Jesus was born;
then the star shone like a sun,
and angels sang so sweetly.

2. The little child in Bethlehem,
he was a king great
which came from the high castle of heaven
down to our poor earth.

3. Now he lives high in heaven,
he is God’s own son,
but always remember the little ones
and hear their prayer.

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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