Half, Quarter & Eighth Notes
- Polly Put the Kettle On
- Rhythms Handout
- 2 Worksheets / Assessments: Add Barlines & Match Lyrics to Rhythms
- Alle Meine Entchen
- All My Ducklings (English Version)
- Melody Handout
- Melody Visuals
- Paper Xylophone (do, re, mi, fa, so, la)
- My Dame Hath a Lame Tame Crane
- Orff Arrangement
- Rhythm Visuals
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Countermelody (mi, so, la)
- Orff Arrangement
- Adapted Version (for Tempo)
- Vamos a remar
Meter: Notes & Rests in Measures of 3 & 4
- Worksheet: Put Notes & Rests in Measures of 3
- Worksheet: Put Notes & Rests in Measures of 4
- Visuals in 3 and 4