Seasonal Songs
- How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck (Groundhog Day)
- Woodchuck Rhythms Handout
- Gong Xi Gong Xi (Chinese New Year)
- English lyrics
- Rhythm Visuals
[Object] Passing Games
- Obwisana
- Orff Arrangement
- Pass the Shoe
- Ball Passing Game
- Hóšišipa
- Melody Visuals
- Obwisana
Low So & Low La | Do, Re, Mi
- Old Brass Wagon
- Melody (low so & low la | do, re, mi | GAB) Visuals
- 2 Orff Arrangements
- Rhythm Visuals
- Chatter with the Angels
- Orff Arrangement
- Posters (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion)
- Orchestra Assessments (Brass, Woodwind, Percussion)
- Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg) Listening Maps
- In the Hall of the Mountain King
- Morning Mood