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- Folk music is the original melody of man: it is the musical mirror of the world. – Friedrich Nietzche
- All music is folk music. I ain’t never heard no horse sing a song. – Duke Ellington
- The history of a people is found in its songs. – George Jellinek
- A nation creates music – the composer only arranges it. – Bela Bartok
- This land is your land and this land is my land – sure – but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway. – Bob Dylan
- Wouldst thou know if a people be well governed, or if its laws be good or bad, examine the music it practices. – Confucius
- The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. – Agnes De Mile
- The way to write American music is simple. All you have to do is be an American and then write any kind of music you wish. – Virgin Thomson
- As the music is, so are the people of the country. – Turkish proverb
See also
- Printable & Digital Quotes