I used this program with 1st grade.
Here are poems I had kids read between some of the songs: (Some I couldn’t find online, and I don’t want to break copyright laws. You could always do a search for “silly pet poem” and find more!)
- My New Pet by Bruce Lansky
- I Walk My Dog at Daybreak by Jack Prelutsky
- Cranky Poodle
- My Pet Oyster
- I Wonder Why Cats Were Invented
See also
- Subject: animals
- Programs: 1st & 2nd grade / 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
2 thoughts on “Music Program: Paws and Tails”
Did you have any dialog to go with this show? I’d love to put it on, but everyone is used to there being some type of storyline with our shows and I’m unsure of what to do. Looks really cute! Great idea!
Jamie, great question. I don’t always have dialog, because I find the audience to be inattentive during those times. 🙁 But, I did for this one – and I updated the blog post with the links to the animal poems the kids read.